Social Media Optimization Strategies

Social Media Optimization Strategy: Use Good Content

Optimizing Your Social Media Outlets: Social media optimization strategies have gone from personal updates from friends to powerful marketing tools for companies. But as a new and very different medium, there are certain necessary components that will optimize your social media campaign. We start with the cornerstone and what has always been a foundation for publishing:

Content drives traffic to your site through keyword searches and by tracking how many organic links there are to your page from other web pages. Content that is not interesting, does not offer value or is clearly laced with SEO content but not offering any real value no longer works. Use of keywords is extremely important but it needs to be tempered with worthwhile, readable and valuable content. Therefore, to optimize your social media content, make the investment – whether it is time in-house or hiring a social media content company – for good content.

Social Media Optimization Strategy: Update Your Content Frequently

To stay at the top of searches, it is imperative that your content stay current and up to date. Internet news and trends change on a daily basis; make sure your content is doing the same. Whether you do this through consistent article posting or a daily company blog doesn’t matter; the important piece is letting your followers and fans know that you are plugged in with what is happening in the social media world.

Social Media Optimization Strategy:Monitor Facebook and Twitter Every Day

Facebook and Twitter are great places to engage your audience and listen in to what is being said about your company and/or its products – but only if you actively engage every day. It is important to have someone in your organization tasked with being on these sites several times a day to check the posts and respond accordingly. Creating a Facebook or Twitter account only for purposes of shouting out direct pitches for your company will not work; neither will occasional visits. Your followers and fans have taken the time to converse with you through these outlets. Don’t make your company look uncaring by poor maintenance; optimize your presence on these accounts.

Social Media Optimization Strategy:Create Fun and Interesting Video

A great way to engage your audience online is to create a great video, it’s one of the largest returns when applying social media optimization strategies. Whether you go for pure entertainment, a useful how-to or a quick Flash or animation piece, thinking creatively will reward you well. The general guideline for length is no more than two minutes, and with all the various software tools available, you can make your video in-house for very little investment. Once you create your video, consider loading it through an entity like TubeMogul or HeySpread, which are web video distribution companies that will channel your videos through all available social media video outlets all at once. Or, you can create your own User Channel at YouTube and create an audience for that channel through your current followers and fans. Keeping things interesting is key to social media optimization and video is a great way to do just that.

Social Media Optimization Strategy:Be an Audio Star

Have some great tips but don’t want to deliver them just in writing? Record them and post the recording to your website. It can function as your own personal radio station to which followers can listen. Are you a company involved in the food industry? Record simple recipes for your fans to follow while they execute your recipe in their own kitchen. Are you a meditation specialist? Post a recording of a calming mantra for your fans to hear while on a lunch break or settling down for the night. Make sure your followers can add your recording to their song database (such as iTunes) so that you can become a part of their personal repertoire.

Optimization of your social media plans is a long-term but worthwhile and necessary investment in your company’s future. Try different approaches to apply these social media strategies and see what works with your particular audience.

Published by VB's Blog

As a Digital Marketer, I have seen the power of new media and social media marketing in building relationships and increasing brand loyalty. However, with the rise of AI, we can take this to a whole new level. AI can foster unity and promote human values for a stronger society. As we move into 2023, we must continue to harness the power of AI while addressing issues of bias and ensuring that AI systems are aligned with human values. By doing so, we can create a society that is inclusive, equitable, and prosperous for all.

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